The Role of the Worship Leader
The Role of the Worship Leader
what is the role of the worship leader
Sometimes it is not clear what exactly is the role of the worship leader. Many times a worship leader, is the song leader during the service, carries out pastoral duties, is a group leader, a full time (or not) staff member, a member of the congregation. It may seem to be many things to many people. The roles depend on where you are standing!. That influences how you quite see the praise and worship leader.
Sometimes it is not clear what exactly is the role of the worship leader. Many times a worship leader, is the song leader during the service, carries out pastoral duties, is a group leader, a full time (or not) staff member, a member of the congregation. It may seem to be many things to many people. The roles depend on where you are standing!. That influences how you quite see the praise and worship leader.
To the congregation
He is the song leader,
the person who invites and takes them into the holy presence of God.
the person who invites and takes them into the holy presence of God.
He at the same time may speak the word of God to the congregation, encouraging them with scriptures as they come before God
To the worship team/choir:
- He is the leader,
- Offers guidance and counseling
- Song leader
- mentor
He selects the songs with suggestions(sometimes!) from his team members. His team mates will view him as a mentor by reason of the annointing that rests upon his life. People tend to view the men and women that God uses tremendously as role modes.
How does the word of God see him:
- He is the servant of God; answerable to God and accountable to God for his actions
- He is a person who serves/ministers under authority of the mantle of the angel of the house.
- He is the minister who oversees the various expressions of ministration to God through music and other arts.
- He is a song leader ; David led the priests in praise when he met the prophets and the spirit of the lord descended on him
- He is the keeper of the flame ; The oil in the tabernacle was kept burning by the priests who tended it day and night. The Levites who are the priests ensured the oil in the lamp did not go out. The worship leader has the responsibility to ensure that the oil in the tabernacle does not go out. He is the leader of the keepers of the flame.
- Drawer of the glory of God ; the word of God has reports that when sacrifices were made to the Lord at the tabernacle, when the priest lifted their voices in praise, the glory of God came down and no one could go into the tabernacle. the priest with their praise drew the glory of God to the tabernacle. Says our praise may be like incense to him, God inhabits the praise of his people
- kept away the spirit of the devil ; when Saul was tormented by an evil spirit, David was called before Saul and ministered to him in song and the evil spirit departed from him.(1 kings)
- S ustains the anointing; in the old testament when the prophet needed to prophesy, they often had a musician come and begin to minister to the lord in song and instrument, and the anointing of God would come upon the Prophet and his spirit would be stirred up and he would be able to prophesy to the people. You will therefore find that many ministers when ministering to the people often like to have music in the background. It sustains the anointing and continually charges the atmosphere
In the present day ministration praise & worship is taking an increasing major role in the services. Many services consist of praise, announcements, and, the sermons and I believe that as the days continue as the Lord continues to unveil his glory he will use more of the ministers of worship where the glory of the lord will cover his people as they worship and lift his name.
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