
Weapons Of Our Warfare

The bible admonishes us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.

When praying we need to pray smart, i.e specific measurable, attainable, being Realistically, With a time frame.

An understanding of the weaponry at our disposal will enable us to fight more effectively and become over comers.  An understanding of the weapons we have at our disposal, will enable us to apply them strategically against the enemy of our souls

 Many countries spend billions of their money to train their soldiers and equip them to understand the weapons that they can employ against the enemy in whatever situation.  In fact the security budget is the largest in any given country and is given top priority.  A lot of research goes into security and new weapons are always being developed and tested, so that the army may remain relevant 

 Likewise as believers we should always seek to read and research on the weapons that we can use against the devil and his demons.  An understanding of the weapons of our warfare will enable us to deploy them more effectively and we become snipers in the hand of our master and saviour.  

 Today we will examine the first weapon which is :

1.                 The blood of Jesus

 “I’ve heard that” I can almost hear you say!!! But truly, a deeper understanding of what the blood is and what it did for us will enable any one to become more effective in their prayer life.  Many times we do not clearly understand what kind of victory the blood bought for us, and we only use it lightly.

It is by far one of the most powerful weapon we have in our armory of weapon

 When Jesus died on Calvary, Golgotha, and his blood touched the earth, several things happened,

  • there was an earthquake,
  • the graves opened,
  • the curtain at the temple tore into two,
  • there was darkness on the earth for 3 hours. 

It was a defining moment in time, in all history.  The defeat of Satan was being finalized. 

 You see this was the second time Satan was being defeated by the blood. In revelation 12, we read of Satan being cast out of heaven and before he was cast out there was war in heaven where Michael the archangel and his army fought the devil, and cast him out.  The bible says they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. ( a thousand amens!!!)


From then on Satan hated the seed of the woman, and he relentlessly pursues man because of the defeat he suffered, in heaven,(Genesis 12) read it please!!!!, it is simply delicious!!!.  

 We are in a battle standing in a position of victory, because the weapon we are using has already defeated our enemy and will continue to defeat him every time he comes into contact with it.

 That is why when even under extraneous circumstances someone can call on the name of the Lord and the blood of Jesus and the demons and Satan have no choice but to move. 

 What the blood of Jesus does

  • It cleanses us from sin, confess your sins and ask for the cleansing of the blood
  • It becomes a covering to us as we approach the throne room of the Lord for Mercy ( it is not by our works but by the blood of Christ)
  • The blood speaks ( it has a voice) of a better promise to us
  • It bloats out ( wipes out) ordinances(curses, stuff) written/ spoken over our lives
  • The blood gives us a new relationship with God in that we now become his sons and heirs of his kingdom.
  • The blood makes us have a covenant relationship with Christ.  All that he has is ours and all that we have is his.
  • The blood overcame satan in heaven, when he was cast out, here on earth by the death of Christ on the cross.  So whenever we use it, Satan is reminded of his defeat.    

  No matter how stubborn an issue has been or no matter how long it has been in existence, the blood of Jesus when applied to that issue or situation can bring a complete turnaround.

 How can I say that, look at what the blood of animals did when Israel was delivered from Egypt.  They had been in bondage for over 400 years, ( I am yet to met/hear  a person  who is 200 years), but with a divine promise (covenant ) and the blood of the Passover, God delivered them overnight, with wealth, riches, favour, freedom, etc.  What then can the blood of Christ which is divine with the a divine covenant of God for Salvation do?  Is there any thing too hard for the Lord

 Further look at what God did when the walls of Jericho came down, the people had just been circumcised, blood had just been poured evoking a covenant of circumcision and walls which had stood for years, strong, unshakeable, immovable, fell down in one go.  Is there any thing too hard for the Lord.

 When Solomon in his dedication of the temple to the Lord slaughtered thousands of animals.  Historians say that the blood that flowed  that day was like a river, and it ran for days. That blood (of animals ) caused God to visit Solomon that night and ask him what he wanted God to do for him.

 We could go on and on, the blood of animals did so much in the old testament, can you imagine the divine, pure, unadulterated, holy blood of the lamb Jesus!!!! It is the ultimate weapon.

 Prayer points

  • I activate the speaking of the blood of Jesus
    • in my life,
    • in my destiny,
    • in my marriage,
    • in my ministry,
    • in my family,
    • in my work,
    • in my body, in the name of Jesus


  • I activate the speaking of the blood of Jesus
    • upon my foundations,
    • my roots,
    • my beginnings,
    • my birth, in the name of Jesus


  • I silence the voice of any blood shed in any sacrifice, covenant, agreement, bond, ritual, rite, ceremony, concerning me, by the voice of the blood of Jesus in Jesus name


  • I bloat out the handwriting of ordinances written against me in the heavenlies, in the earth, under the earth by the blood of Jesus

( these should be prayed repeatedly,  tenaciously, with violence, holy anger, aggression, for a minimum of five minutes each)


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