
5 Keys to sucessful leading of praise and worship

Prayer, praise and worship are my passion as should be for any worship leader. Having been a worship leader for the past 12 years, every time I know that I will be leading the service, thoughts like, is my preparation adequate?will the presence of God come down?, am I sure these are the songs that will draw the glory of God? pass through my mind.
The following keys will aid a worship leader to sucessfully lead a congregation in praise and worship

As a worship leader you must leave a holy life, i.e a life where Christ is glorified in and out of the
public eye. Out of the heart the mouth speaks, if you fill your heart and your body with ungodly stuff, that is what you will be pouring out as you sing, and speak to people. If you have an area that is not under the blood of christ, and you minister to people you are liable to release the same annointing over their lives. Your life must be one that is glorifying to the Lord. The annointing that comes from a man/woman of God who has been living a holy life cannot be faked, or substituted.

This cannot be overemphasised. A poor/weak prayer life leads to poor, annointless, unspritual leadership. Right here there is a whole lot more that can be said, but the long and short of it, is that the effective, prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Note the word effective prayer
Many of us pray prayers that are not on target, not effective, we are not even sometimes sure what we are praying is the will of God! God's will aligns to his word, anything outside hiS word most likely may not be the will of God!!

Practise makes perfect. What you practice you perfect,
practice, practice, practice!!!!!!!!
Prepare yourself untill the ministration comes out of your heart and not your mind. There is no substitute for good preparation.
Get the song list ready early and let everyone on the team know what, when and how you will sing

Be a team player
A good worship leader is a good team player. A team player who knows that the result of the praise & worship is team work, not individual skill and talent. Acknowleging your team will motivate your team members to give their best.

Be a leader
This may mean different things at different times, but essentially, it is taking responsibility of what is happening when you are holding the microphone. Doing that may mean changing what needs to be changed as the Holy Spirit leads, corrrecting and or guiding your team, stepping up boldly and moving the congregation where God wants them to go, trying out new ideas etc.

These are just a few keys that have personally aided me in the past and even now as I endeavour to fight the good fight.

untill next time


  1. this is blessing me, i experience a kind of fright to lead yet i am a song minister!!!


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