
Prayer for wisdom for the year of 2025 Part 1

                                  Proverbs 8 : Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding

raise her voice? At the highest point along the way, where the

paths meet, she takes her stand; beside the gate leading into the

city, at the entrance, she cries aloud: “To you, O people, I call out;

I raise my voice to all mankind. You who are simple, gain prudence;

you who are foolish, set your hearts on it ……Counsel is mine, and

sound wisdom; I am understanding, I have strength. By me kings

reign and rulers decree justice, by me princes and nobles rule.

Prayer points

1.Father, I thank you for the Spirit of Wisdom, that you have availed for us freely, through the finished work of Christ Jesus.

2.Father I stand in the office of a priest of my home and I open my gates, my children’s gates, and the gates of my descendants for wisdom to come in, in the name of Jesus.

3.Every anointing, knowledge and help that is in wisdom, let it be availed to me and my descendants in Jesus name.

4. Let wisdom cloth me and my descendants.

5.Let the words of my mouth be filled with the right things, let my lips speak truth, healing, life and wisdom, in Jesus name.

6.Father I receive and embrace wisdom as my heritage and that of my bloodline.

7.Let wisdom be our inheritance from you, even as you gave the Israelites the land of Canaan as their inheritance. Give wisdom as an inheritance into my life and that of my bloodlines, in Jesus name.

8.Every succeeding generation in my bloodline will have a mark of God’s wisdom in increasing measure, in Jesus name.

9.Father let us find life and obtain favor from you O Lord as a family in Jesus name.

10. Father let wisdom become a witness for my family and descendants before your Heavenly courts in the name of Jesus.

11. May we eat the fruits of wisdom in our lifetimes in the name of Jesus.

12. May the wealth, life, counsel, strength, understanding found in wisdom be my portion and that of my family and descendants in the name of Jesus.

13. May the riches, honor, righteousness, rulership that is in wisdom be my portion and that of my family and descendants in the name of Jesus.

14. Father you create the fruits of our lips. Let every word that proceeds from your mouth not return to you void but may it accomplish what it set out to do. It will prosper in the thing it was set to do.

15. Father cause this word to prosper in the name of Jesus, perpetually and continually in my lifetime and that of my bloodline, my children and my descendants in the name of Jesus.

16. Lord raise a standard with this word in my life every time the enemy comes in like a flood.

17. Let this word become a bridge at every place the enemy has put traps and pitfalls for me and my family, my descendants in the name of Jesus.

18. I station and place this word at the foundations of my life, my children’s life and my descendants in the name of Jesus.

19. Father I soak this word (Proverbs 8) with the superior precious blood of Jesus Christ.

20. Let this word become a witness and testimony for me and my bloodline before the courtrooms of heaven, in the name of Jesus.


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