From Death to Life: How Passover Unleashes Generational Blessings part 3



As we conclude our Passover series, we recognize that this sacred time is not only a season of gratitude and wealth transfer but also a pivotal moment for new beginnings and divine intervention. Building on our earlier discussions about the significance of interceding during Passover and accessing the inner chambers of the Lord, we now turn our attention to prayers for our families, the anointing we receive, and the revival needed in our nation. Let’s embrace this moment of powerful transformation and commit to seeking the Lord earnestly.

Prayer Points for This Season

1. Thanksgiving:

  • Father, I thank you for the Passover.
  • Thank you for the finished work of Calvary.
  • Let the finished work of Calvary overshadow every area of my life in the name of Jesus.

2. Wealth Transfer:

I decree and declare:

  • This is the appointed season for wealth transfer to me and my family in the name of Jesus.
  • I shall possess silver and gold in abundance in the name of Jesus.
  • The hidden treasures of darkness and riches stored in secret places will be given to me and my family (Isaiah 45:3).
  • Gates of commerce and the economy of this nation and nations worldwide are lifted before me (Psalm 24:8; Isaiah 45:2).
  • My feet are bathed in cream, and the rock pours out streams of oil for me (Job 29:6).
  • My steps are ordered by the Lord into paths of wealth, power, and influence (Psalm 37:23).

3. New Beginnings:

  • Father, I repent of every sin that hinders a new beginning in this season (Psalm 51:1).
  • Create in me a clean heart, O Lord, and renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10).
  • Write a new foundation by the blood of Jesus for me and my family (Psalm 139:16).
  • I immerse my roots and foundations in the blood of Jesus (Psalm 11:3).
  • I disconnect from every ungodly foundation in my lineage in the name of Jesus.
  • Blood of Jesus, strengthen and deepen my roots.
  • I will grow roots downwards and bear fruit upwards (2 Kings 19:30).
  • Blood of Jesus, write new records for my life and my family in the name of Jesus.
  • Let the angel in charge of this month and season walk with me in Jesus' name.
  • Blood of Jesus, blot out every wicked ordinance standing against me in your heavenly courts (Colossians 2:15).
  • Let mercy prevail, and judgment be passed over this season of Passover in my life and my family’s in the name of Jesus.
  • I activate every plan you have for me by the voice of the blood of Jesus (Jeremiah 29:11).

I decree and declare:

  • A new beginning for me and my family in the name of Jesus.
  • A new name that you alone know as my portion now going forward.
  • Every prison door in my life is broken and lifted up.

4. Family

  • Father, thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus.
  • Thank you for the salvation I enjoy because of Jesus's death and resurrection.
  • Thank you for the blood of the Lamb that speaks a better word than Abel’s (Hebrews 12:24).
  • Thank you that your plans for me and my family are for good (Jeremiah 29:11).
  • In this season of Passover, may every member of my family experience the gift of salvation.
  • I petition for my family, that you may pass over every judgment in their lives in the name of Jesus (mention names).
  • Blood of Jesus, silence every wicked voice speaking against the salvation and deliverance of my family (Hebrews 12:24).
  • Blood of Jesus, blot out every wicked ordinance against my family’s salvation (Colossians 2:15).
  • As for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord.
  • Let every family member encounter Christ and find salvation in this season.
  • I station these prayers at the gates of my bloodline in the name of Jesus.
  • In every Passover period moving forward, may there be mass salvation in my family, bloodline, and nation.

5. Mantles/Anointing

  • Thank you, Father, for this season of new mantles and anointings being released to the body of Christ.
  • Thank you for the understanding of times and seasons (Ecclesiastes 3:1).
  • The anointing of kings and prophets rests and manifests in my life.
  • The anointing of Moses, your servant, is activated in my life.
  • The angel who walked with Moses is also walking with me.
  • The anointing of King David manifests in my life.
  • The anointing of Solomon, his wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, rests upon me.
  • The anointing of Ezekiel, who spoke to dry bones, manifests in my life.
  • The anointing of Isaiah, who heard heavenly conversations, is upon me.
  • The anointing of Jesus, with multi-faceted gifts, is manifesting in my life.

6. Nations 

  • Father, I repent on behalf of my nation in the name of Jesus.

  • I pray for salvation and revival to sweep across this nation in this season.

  • Blood of Jesus, cry out for mercy for our nation.

  • Blot out every wicked ordinance written against Kenya.

  • Father, set aside every judgment concerning Kenya.

  • Deliver us from:

    • Wicked taskmasters in Kenya.
    • Bondages entrenched in the foundation of our nation.
    • Wrong leadership in every sphere.
    • The spirit of poverty in Kenya.
    • Mercy for Kenya in this Passover season.
    • Salvation for Kenya during this Passover season.
    • Redemption for Kenya in this Passover season.
    • Let mercy prevail over judgment in this season.
    • Father, stay your hand of judgment and let not the enemy prevail over Kenya in this season.
    • Let the angel of death and destruction pass over the land of Kenya in this Passover season.

  • Spirit of God, visit every corner of Kenya with salvation (Isaiah 45:8).

  • Enlarge the voices of pastors, teachers, apostles, prophets, and evangelists preaching the gospel this month.

  • I add my voice to the ministers' calls, asking for souls as the gospel is preached across the nation.

  • Father, I ask for a harvest of souls wherever your word is preached in this season.

  • Blood of Jesus, go ahead of every man and woman preaching your word.

  • Let mercy cover Kenya in this season.

  • Blood of Jesus, address every counterfeit demand of bloodshed by the enemy during this Passover season.

  • Blood of Jesus, step into the heavenly court of nations, plead, and petition on behalf of Kenya (Psalm 110:5-6; Psalm 135:2; Daniel 7:9-10; Daniel 7:13-14).


In closing, let us boldly declare the promises of God during this Passover season. Together, we can experience new beginnings, wealth transfers, and anointing like never before. I encourage you to join me in prayer and action—share these points with others, and let’s stand united in faith for our families and our nation. May the blood of Jesus bring mercy, salvation, and redemption in this season!
