From Death to Life: How Passover Unleashes Generational Blessings Part 2


As we continue our exploration of Passover, we’ll uncover the significance of accessing the inner chambers of the Lord, dedicating our firstborns, and embracing new beginnings. This season is ripe for miracles and divine encounters that can transform our lives.

As we had mentioned in part one of this article, the time of Passover marks a significant shift, both in the natural and spiritual realms. It presents a profound opportunity to intercede and seek the Lord for:

1. Access into the Inner Chambers of the Lord

a. When Jesus declared, "It is finished," the temple curtain tore in two, giving us direct access to the Holy of Holies (Matt 27:51). Through His blood, we are invited to approach the throne of grace with boldness, to receive mercy and help in our time of need (Heb 4:16).

b. This is your time to petition God for mantles, gifts, talents, and anointings that were previously out of reach. Psalm 23:5 says the Lord has prepared a table for you in the presence of your enemies. In Isaiah 25:7, He promises a feast for His people. Mantles can be received through prayer, association with mantle-bearers, or direct decree from the Lord.

c. Petition God during this season for access to sit at tables with kings, prophets, and seers, a seat that the torn veil and Jesus' blood qualifies you to hold.


2. Dedication of the Firstborn

a. The final act of judgment in Egypt was the death of the firstborn sons and animals where no blood marked the doorposts (Ex 12:29-30). God then instructed Moses to dedicate all firstborns to Him, sparing them during that fateful night (Ex 13:2).

b. Passover is an opportune time to dedicate your firstborn to the Lord, declaring His word over them. Firstborns are called to break barriers, lead, and spearhead new frontiers. Traditionally, they carry a mantle of leadership, even receiving kingdoms to govern.

c. Align your firstborn, your family, and future generations with God's purposes, decreeing His promises over their lives.

3. A New Beginning

a. Exodus 12:2 declares, "This month shall be your beginning of months." The Passover marked a fresh start for the Israelites—a new status, freedom, and journey into their promised future.

b. Through the blood of Jesus, we are transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. This is your opportunity for a fresh start, a clean slate.

c. If your year hasn't begun well, this is the time to pray for a new beginning for yourself and your family. God is a God of many chances, and as long as there is breath in you, there is hope for a fresh start.

4. Heaven on Standby

a. The night of the Passover, the heavens were on high alert to ensure the Israelites' release from Egypt. There was never a night like it, when heaven stood still to oversee God's people's deliverance.

b. Similarly, during Christ’s death, legions of angels were available to intervene, though Jesus did not call upon them. The whole of heaven was watching as God turned His face away, witnessing the great act of salvation.

c. Today, heaven is on special standby, awaiting your prayers, petitions, and decrees. Use this time to intercede, as the heavens are wide open.

5. Victory Over Death

a. Christ’s resurrection marked the defeat of death. After three days in the tomb, He rose victorious, ascending to heaven. Death was the final enemy He conquered.

b. Now is the time to rebuke the spirit of premature death, family death cycles, and wicked time-activated events tied to death. The resurrection of Christ gives us hope that the powers of darkness over our lives are defeated.

c. Declare that the hold of death is broken and that life in Christ reigns in your home, family, and nation.

6. Time for Miraculous Encounters

a. The deliverance of Israel from Egypt was marked by miracles—the Angel of Death passing over homes marked by the lamb’s blood, plagues sparing Israel, and the parting of the Red Sea.

b. The miracle of the Red Sea, the angelic light, and the darkness for the Egyptians were signs of God’s power at work.

c. Similarly, the tearing of the veil, the earthquake, and the opening of the tombs at Christ’s death were miraculous interventions.

d. This is a time for you, your family, and your nation to experience miracles as God brings deliverance from the enemy's grip.

7. Angelic Interventions

a. Exodus 12:41 speaks of the Lord's presence leading Israel out of Egypt, and in Exodus 14:19, the Angel of the Lord moved from the front to the rear, guarding the people.

b. The Egyptians who pursued Israel saw their chariots overturned by God, realizing they were fighting against the Lord Himself (Ex 14:25).

c. At the tomb, angels appeared, telling Mary Magdalene that Jesus had risen (Matt 28:2).

d. Pray for angelic interventions in your life during this time, as angels are sent to deliver God’s messages and provide divine assistance.

8. Unusual Earthquakes

a. In the New Testament, particularly in Matthew 27 and 28, there are two recorded instances of earthquakes. The first occurs at the moment Christ dies (Matthew 27:51), and the second takes place when Mary visits the tomb (Matthew 28:2). This latter earthquake is accompanied by an angel of the Lord who rolls away the stone from the tomb.

b. These supernatural earthquakes signify the earth's response to Christ's death. The testimony of those guarding Jesus affirms this: “Truly this was the Son of God” (Matthew 27:54).

c. The earth reacts to divine events, recognizing the significance of the Son of God’s death.

d. Pray for the earth to hear and respond to you as an heir of the Kingdom, the son of God. Request that the earth opens to release hidden treasures within it (Isaiah 45:1-3). Pray for the earth to acknowledge you as a child of the Most High and to alter its records concerning you and your family.

9. Opening of Graves

a. Upon Christ's death, Matthew 27:52 states that “the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised.” This supernatural event illustrates the power of resurrection.

b. As we are in a season of miracles, we should declare that all things that have died and been buried will come alive during this Passover and resurrection season.


In this second part, we explored the significance of accessing God's inner chambers, dedicating our firstborns, and embracing new beginnings. We also highlighted the miraculous interventions that await us during this sacred season. Stay tuned for part three, where we’ll delve into a list of dedicated prayer points for the passover season.
