

The time of the Passover is a period of time when there is a change in season and this is the opportunity to address the heavens and intercede for:

1.       Generational deliverance from demonic bondages

a.       The deliverance of the Israelites was a generational deliverance.  Were we to calculate from today how many years they had been slaves if the deliverance was to take place in the year 2021, they would have been slaves from the year 1591.  That is how long the nation had been in slavery, depression, poverty, under the taskmasters control and influence. The memories of a time of freedom were just that memories and such historical events that look unbelievable.  The Lord was able to deliver this nation and make it to be free.

b.       Their deliverance was in one night.  Indeed, there is nothing that is difficult for the Lord. It does not matter how long your situation has lasted, (it cannot be longer than 430 years) nevertheless God is able to deliver. Exodus 12: 41 “And it came to pass at the end of the 430 years on that very same day it came to pass that all the armies of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt” God is able to deliver in one night from generations and generations of bondage

2.       Deliverance of Nations from wicked taskmasters that bind them

a.       During this time of Passover, a new nation was born.  The nation of Israel.  God rescued them from a 430-year slavery and caused them to be a people to reckon with. 

b.       There was new leadership in the nation, with Moses and Aaron leading them away from Pharaoh and his government.

c.       The people in that nation changed identity from slaves to free people.  There was freedom from wicked taskmasters that used to cause them to labour with little or no results.

d.       The Lord is interested in delivering Nations especially during this time.  When Christ died during the Passover it is interesting to note that the Jews at that time were being ruled by Herod and were not free people themselves.  The scenario was repeating itself.  In the Old Testament, the people were physically relocated to a new land. In the New Testament there was no physical relocation but Christ was recognized as the king of the Jews.  A new order had been established.  A new kingdom with a king was established The death and resurrection of Christ ushered in a new kingdom Revelation 5:10 “Now we have been made priests and kings  to rule on earth” 

e.       It is the time to stand in the gap for our nation’s deliverance. Pray for deliverance from wicked taskmasters, oppression in the  nation, oppressive


3.       New leadership

a.       This was the time that Israel got a new leader in the person of Moses and Aaron. Moses was a leader raised by God to lead the nation of Israel out of Egypt.  Moses had been prepared for a long time, 40 years in the palace and 40 years in the wilderness.  God used him to confront Pharaoh and the rulers of Egypt through the plagues that visited Egypt.


b.      Pray for God fearing leaders in the nation and in your sphere of influence.

4.       Divine supernatural Wealth transfer

a.       The children of Israel who had been slaves for 430 years left Egypt with its wealth.  This was in silver, gold and precious stones.  This was wealth they had not inherited, they had not worked for, or labored for, they had not invested in a project, or seized a money making opportunity.  It simply was divine and supernatural wealth.  This raised their economic level to that of other nations around them.  They suddenly had a financial voice, they were not dependant on other nations to make it. 

b.       God used the wealth he gave them to create a channel for generation wealth for the Israelites by the giving of various offerings.  Thereafter in the book of Leviticus he prescribes the various offerings that they were to bring to the Lord .  The offerings provided a channel for continuous blessings of wealth to be established for this young nation that had just been born.  

c.       The wealth also allowed them to buy water and food from hostile nations that they met on their sojourn to the Promised Land.

d.       The wealth they acquired also allowed them to build a tabernacle for the Lord

e.       The wealth they acquired was also a fulfillment of the covenant God had made with their forefathers.  That in blessing he will bless them. ( Genesis 12:3)

f.        The entire enation was blessed.  Not only some individuals.  God is able to lift up the economy and the financial status of an entire nation overnight if we stand in faith and obedience in God.  Psalm 2 “Ask of me and I will give you nations for your inheritance.” Ask for wealth for your nation, that will reach every single person.  He did it with Israel and he can do it again with a nation that fears and revers him. 

g.       Petition the Lord for divine supernatural wealth during this period.


  1. Amen and Amen. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers over our lives, our families and our country.

  2. Thank you Father for whatever we agree here on earth so is it in heaven!


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