

1.     Introduction

The Feast of Passover in Israel begins on April 4 2015.  This is a sevenday feast celebrated to mark the Passover period when the Israelites were delivered out of Egypt.  According to the Gregorian[1] calendar this period is also known as Easter. Interestingly, this year’s Feast of the Passover coincides with the total eclipse of the moon i.e. red blood moon set to occur on April 4 2015.This is the third of the four red moons that are expected in this period of time.According to scholars, this series of four blood red moons is only the eighth since the time of Christ and will not occur again until 2582/83.

According to Genesis 1: 14, the lights in the sky are to:

·          Separate the day from the night
·         Serve as signs
·         Mark seasons and days and years.
·         Give light on the earth

Romans 1:20: For since the creation of the world God’s invisible divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
Our heavenly father seeks to reveal himself in multiple ways so that everyone may get to know Him and be without an excuse on that great and awesome judgment day.
Changes or unusual occurrences in the heavenly precipitate a new season, therefore, we must search the scriptures diligently and prayerfully to know of the times and seasons and apply the knowledge and wisdom in our day to day living.  Daniel by meticulously studying the scriptures understood the times during the captivity and begun to intercede for Israel’s deliverance.

Daniel 9:2-3:In the first year of his reign, I, Daniel understood from the scriptures, according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the prophet that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes.

The period of the Passover is one of the most significant seasons in the history of mankind and Christendom.  The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the lifeline of Salvation and Christianity.  The gift of salvation was presented by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.Therefore we must duly take note and study the scriptures to deduce the occurrences of this season then with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving,make our requests known to God, in alignment with the season. 

1.     Significance of the Passover

The Passover period is loaded with so many life changing occurrences for the children of Israel that can be summarized as follows.

a.      Wealth transfer

In the Old Testament the Passover period was also the period of wealth transfer.
Exodus 11:2: Tell the people that men and women alike are to ask their neighbors for articles of silver and gold.  The Lord made the Egyptians favorably disposed toward the people and Moses himself was highly regarded in Egypt by Pharaoh’s officials and by the people.
During the Passover, the Lord plundered Egypt and their wealth was transferred to the Israelites. This was in fulfillment of the word that the Lord had spoken to Moses.
Exodus 3:21-22: And I will make the Egyptians favorably disposed toward this people, so that when you leave you will not go empty-handed.  Every woman is to ask her neighbor and any woman living in her house for articles of silver and gold and for clothing, which you will put on your sons and daughters.  And so you will plunder the Egyptians.

The Passover time is a time or a window that the Lord creates for wealth transfer for his beloved children. 

Here is an account of the happenings.

·         The children of Israel asked their neighbors; we are to also ask in prayer.

·         The children of Israel were specific in their requests i.e. gold, silver and clothing for their sons and daughters. During this period, gold and silver were the highest trading currency as they were universally acceptable units of payment.  Just it were for the Israelites, we are to be specific in our petitions during this season. 
Philippians 4:6: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God.

·         They asked for clothing for their children:  Clothing is a cover or a garment that is put on to hide nakedness.  The Israelites were to ask for a cover for their children so as not to expose this wealth that had been transferred to them but protect it for continuity.  Wealth transfer is generational; we are to ask for it for our children.  God is a generation God, He thinks in generations. During this season we are to pray generationally so that the wealth acquired can be extended to future generations.

b.     A new start

Exodus 12:1:The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, this month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year.
God changed the calendar of the Israelites signifying a new start for them. This was to be their first month of the year for them. This was a new beginning for them. Likewise, during this season, we are also presented with an opportunity to start anew;

c.      New status conferment

The status of Israelites changed overnight from slaves to a new nation, a people to be reckoned with, and a power house.  With the change several things happened:
They relocated and came under a new cover; a new leader.  Prior to this they were under the helm of Pharaoh, but after their redemption, Moses became their ordained leader. Similarly, during this period of Passover, there is change of headship; you may have been under a wrong dominion, dwelling, head, but there is deliverance during the time of Passover. Pharaoh who had dominated the lives of the Israelites for 400 years was suddenly overthrown-a generational deliverance.  In the same way, by prayer and thanksgiving, sickness, infirmities, situations, declarations etc that have been plaguing you and your family for years  will no longer have a footing in your life and that of your family.  If God delivered a nation of a 400 year old situation, likewise, your situation can also be changed.
Jeremiah 49: 17:Ah, sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm.  Nothing is too hard for you. 
 This is the time to have those issues remediated by the Lord.

They became a nation from slaves.  After the Passover there was a change in Pharaoh’s dealings with the Israelites; he considered them as a nation and not as slaves anymore.  He sends out an army to pursue them and return them back.  A people who had not warred before, who did not handle arms nor have administrative structures in place suddenly became a nation-a force to reckon with; who could not be wished away. A people with a voice, they who herethereto  were voiceless.

Equally, it is the time for the body of Christ to become a people- forced to be reckoned with no merely obscure and irrelevant. When one is a slave he is passive to policy changes, political debates and undertakings as one is reduced to being an observer with no authority, power or influence. On the contrary, the Passover period presents an opportunity fo rthe body of Christ to arise, regroup and become that people group that has to be consulted on all fronts in the earthly affairs. 

Their identity changed.The Passover period presented an opportunity to permanently ascribe to a new status of freedom. They were now known by a new name. Prior to this they were known as slaves.  Similarly, if the people have being knowing you by names that were not favorable; this is the time that the Lord has made provision for your name to be changed not only in the heavenly realm but here on earth, that glory may be given to the Lord. Joshua  was such a man whom the Lord decreed favor on and said is Zechariah 3:2 The Lord said to Satan, “the Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! is this not a burning stick snatched from the fire…. May this indeed be your portion this Easter, as the Lord testifies for you in the heavens, the earth will have no choice but to respond favorably.   Hosea 2:21 In that day I will respond,” declares the Lord – I will respond to the skies, and they will respond to the earth; and the earth will respond to the grain, the new wine and oil.

There was a physical relocation from Egypt.  They moved from the place of their enslavement, pain, suffering, and anguish, to a new land that the Lord had prepared for them.  It was the set time for physical relocation from Egypt to a new land
Isaiah 61: 1:The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.  He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.
This is true for the Passover season as it is a time for deliverance and a release from darkness for the prisoners. Whatever is the cause for your enslavement, this is the set time for physical deliverance and a release from that prison place.  This could be in form of a new job, house, residential area, land. Sickness, poverty etc   

It was a start of a journey to the promised land- a land flowing with milk and honey. The Passover jumpstarted their journey into their destiny even though they had been stagnate in Egypt for 400 years.
Brethren, no matter how long you have been at a place or a situation has grafted your life, your family, your marriage, God is able to start you to the journey of your deliverance, destiny and path of life.  As long as you have the breath of God in you there is hope; at the scent of water the roots will grow.
This Passover period is a time for you to present those heart rendering matters to the Lord in prayer with thanksgiving and watch him deliver you, your family and change the situation you are in, in Jesus name..   

Exodus 11:6:There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt- worse than there has ever been or ever will be again. But among the Israelites not a dog will bark at any man or animal. ‘Then you will know that the Lord makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.

When the angel of death visited the land and nation of Egypt, the Israelites with mark of the blood on their doorposts were passed over, but the Egyptians were visited with great disaster-the slaying of the first borns of both the animals and human beings.  That way God gave glory to himself and there was a complete separation between the Egyptians and the Israelites. 

At this time the Lord brought judgment on the Gods of Egypt which had raised their voices to the Almighty God. The magicians of Egypt could not match, reverse or change the judgment of death decreed and activated on the nation of Egypt. That last miracle struck a heavy blow to the Egyptians that both the leader and the people of Egypt begged the Israelites to leave their nation. Exodus 12:31 During the night Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and said. “Up !leave my people, you and the Israelites! Go, worship the Lord as you have requested…..The Egyptians urged the people to hurry and leave the country, For otherwise, : they said, “ we will all die!”

What a distinction. Indeed, this is one of the set times for a clear distinction between those who have an intimate relationship with God and those that do not. May Jehovah put a distinction on you as you continue walking with Him.

      A Passover time

The angel of death that was set to visit that night was going to pass over every home that had the blood of the Lamb on its doorpost-how awesome!. 

Exodus 12:13:The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you.  No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.
What a separation, what an extension of mercy.  While destruction was visiting the Egyptians, the Israelites had the promise that no destructive plague would touch them. 
Truly, it is time for us to be passed over, even though it is a time of judgment and a destructive plague has been released just because of the Blood of Jesus. Whatever judgments set to be executed on our behalf, on our bloodlines, in our families, in our nations can be passed over because of the blood of the lamb. Instead life, and mercy, a second chance is extended to us because of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Truly, the Passover is very precious to us as believers.  .

      Judgment time

Exodus 12: 12: On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn – both men and animals – and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt.  I am the lord.
It was showdown and judgment time for Pharaoh and the nation of Egypt.  Their gods were to be judged by Almighty God. Egypt as a nation had held the Israelites captive for over 400 years.  The Israelites had lived in oppression, depression, as slaves, with little or no freedom; subsequently they were not ableto step into their destiny and purpose as a nation.

However, with one visitation, the Lord delivered the nation out of another nation.  The Passover time is a time of national deliverance .e. deliverance for your nation.   The things that had held the nation for years, generations, are broken during the Passover time.  This is the time of great deliverance for the nation of Kenya.  As you pray for the nation happenings that would have taken years and much effort God delivers overnight. Why is this? This is because of spiritual timing; being in tandem with the times and seasons.

For the nation of Israel it was the set time to be delivered, to be redeemed from the grip of Pharaoh.
Exodus 3:20:So I will stretch out my hand and strike the Egyptians with all the wonders that I perform among them.  After that, he will let you go.

Components of Israel’s deliverance:

·         430 years of generational bondage.
Exodus 12:40:Now the length of time the Israelite people lived in Egypt was 430 years.  At the end of the 430 years to the very day, all the Lord’s divisions left Egypt

·         Wicked taskmasters.
Exodus 1:11: So they put slave masters over them to oppress them with forced labor.

Wicked slave masters that oppress the people of God with hard labor and little or no results.  In this nation of Kenya, we find that majority of people labour hard just to put food on their table.  Morning after morning you see laborers’ queuing in the bus stages, masses of people walking every morning into the city center and the industrial area to look for work.  Every year a large number of unskilled labor pours into the cities looking for some form of employment.  Many with that employment enter into a life of nearly slavery and a cycle of poverty, living from hand to mouth. 

Wicked taskmasters in the spiritual realm who oppress the people with forced labor nearly all the days of their productive lives.  This is the time for the nation to cry out for deliverance from these slave masters ruling over cities of the world.

·         Wrong leadership: It is time to move from pharaoh to Moses the servant of God’s leadership

·         Poverty:
The same portion is ours as a nation that we be delivered out of generational bondages; wicked taskmasters set over this nation, cities, and towns; wrong leadership in our socio-economic, political and cultural life, and poverty.

 Passover is a great time to stand in gap for the nation for its deliverance from all oppression of the enemy.  
The events of the Passover were a shadow or typology of the deliverance that The Lord Jesus was set to bring 2000 years later. Moses being a type of Christ. 
How precious it is to study the word of God and see what he has ordained in this season for us as his children.  

g.     Deliverance without struggle

The Israelites were delivered out of Egypt without a struggle.  On the night they were to be delivered, heaven had aligned and positioned itself in favor of their deliverance.
Exodus 12: 42: Because the Lord kept vigil that night to bring them out of Egypt, on this night all the Israelites were to keep vigil to honor the Lord for the generations to come.          

Jehovah had his  Angels on full alert during this period so that he could deliver six hundred thousand people

 Ex 12:32 The Israelites journeyed from Rameses to Succoth.  There were about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children.  Many other people went up with them, as well as large droves of livestock, both flocks and herds ..” 

This could only be the hand of God.  Those involved in moving large numbers of people from one nation to another, know how it can easily become a logistical nightmare, and involves a lot of planning, preparation and man hours.  God did it, in a night! Glory be to God.  God can deliver you notwithstanding the impossibilities, reasons and excuses you have envisaged. He will do it in the shortest time possible!

2.     During the time of Jesus

The following events took place at the Passover time which was the time that Jesus Christ was crucified, died, was buried and rose again after three days.
Jesus Christ was crucified and put to death at the at the passover time.  This was the ultimate sacrifice, the perfect lamb of God that took away the sins of the World.   
  Extraordinary activities and events took place at that time as God enforced his covenant.    The curtain that divided the holy place from the most holy place was ripped apart.   Mark 15:38 The curtain of the temple was torn in two from the top to bottom. We now had access through Jesus to the Father and not through another man There was an earthquake when Jesus gave up his spirit.  Matthew 27: 51 “ … the earth shook and the rocks split.  The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life ..”The earth responded to the death of Jesus Christ
There was darkness over the earth for 3 (three ) hours. Mark 15:33 at the sixth hour darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hr
This is the time for the extraordinary and the unexpected to happen. That which is dead and buried in your life can be resurrected.  Speak resurrection power of Jesus to the gifts, and talents in your life that have been dead, dormant or inactive.   

1.      Prayer points

a.      Passover

1.       Father, I thank you for the Passover.
2.       Thank you for the finished work of Calvary.
3.       Let the finished work of Calvary overshadow every area of my life in the name of Jesus.
4.       Wealth transfer:  I decree and declare
a.       that this is the appointed season for wealth transfer to me and my family  in the name of Jesus
b.      That I shall possess silver and gold in abundance in the name of Jesus
c.       That the hidden treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places in his land  be given to me and my family in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 45:3)
d.      That the gates of commerce and economy of this nation and nations of the world be lifted before me in the name of Jesus.   (psalm 24:8, Isaiah 45:2)
e.      That my feet are bathed in cream and the rock pours out streams of  oil for me in the name of Jesus (Job 29:6)
f.        That my steps are ordered by the Lord into paths of wealth, power and influence( psalm
5.        New beginning
a.      Father I repent of every sin in my life that will hinder a new beginning for me in this season. (Psalm 51:1)
b.      Create in me a clean heart oh Lord and renew a right spirit within me in this season in the name of Jesus (psalm 51:1)
c.       Father write a new foundation by the blood of Jesus for me and my family.(psalm 139:16)
d.      I immerse my roots and foundations in the blood of Jesus. (Psalm 11:3)
e.       I disconnect myself from every ungodly foundation from my lineage in the name of Jesus.
f.        Blood of Jesus strengthen and deepen my roots in the name of Jesus.
g.      I will grow roots downwards and bear fruit upward in the name of Jesus.(2 Kings 19:30)
h.      Blood of Jesus, write new records for my life, my family in the name of Jesus.
i.         Let the angel in charge of this month and this season walk with me in Jesus name.
j.        Blood of Jesus, blot out every wicked ordinance that is standing against me in your heavenly courts in Jesus name. (Col 2:15,)
k.       Let mercy prevail and judgment be passed over this season of Passover in my life, my family in the name of Jesus.
l.        I activate every plan you have for me, by the voice of the blood of Jesus and in the name of Jesus (Jeremiah 29:11)
m.    I decree and declare:
                                                   i.      A new beginning for me and my family in the name of Jesus 
                                                 ii.      A new name that you alone know as my portion now going forward
                                               iii.      That every prison door in my life is broken and lifted up

b.     Family

a.       Father, thank you for the gift of your son Jesus.
b.      Thank you for salvation that I now enjoy because of the death and resurrection of Jesus the messiah.
c.       Thank you for the blood of the Lamb that speaks a better word than that of Abel. (Hebrews 12:24)
d.      Thank you for your plans for me and my family are for good and will bring me to a good end.(Jeremiah 11:27)
e.       In this season of Passover, let every member of my family experience the gift of salvation in Jesus name.
f.        I petition for the lives of my family members that you may pass over every judgment in this season in their lives in the name of Jesus. (mention them by name)
g.      Blood of Jesus, answer every wicked voice speaking against the salvation and deliverance of my family in Jesus name. (Hebrews 12:24)
h.      Blood of Jesus, blot out every wicked ordinance standing against salvation of my family members. (Colossians 2: 15)
i.         I decree and declare that as for me and my household we shall serve the lord.
j.         Let every member of my family have an encounter with Christ that will lead to salvation in this season in Jesus name.
k.       I station these prayers at the gates of my bloodline in the name of Jesus.
l.         Every Passover period- from now going forward- let there be mass salvation in my family, my bloodline, my nation in the name of Jesus.

c.      Mantles/Anointing

a.       Thank you father for this season that new mantles and anointing are being released to the body of Christ.
b.      Father, thank you for the understanding of times and seasons, and your heavenly timetable. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
c.       I decree and declare that:
a.        The anointing of King’s and prophets is resting and manifesting in my life in Jesus name.
b.      The release and activation of the anointing of Moses your servant upon my life in the name of Jesus.
c.        The angel that walked with your servant Moses is walking with me.
d.       The anointing of King David is resting and manifesting in my life in Jesus name.
d.      The anointing of Solomon the king; his wisdom, knowledge and understanding, is resting and manifesting in my life in the name of Jesus.
e.       The Anointing of Ezekiel; who spoke to dry bones and they became an army for the Lord, is resting and manifesting in my life in the name of Jesus.
f.        The anointing of Isaiah the prophet; who saw and heard conversations in the heavenly throne room, is resting and manifesting in my life in the name of Jesus.
g.      The Anointing of Jesus the son of God; with multi anointing, is resting and manifesting in my life in the name of Jesus.

d.     Nation of Kenya

a.       Father I repent on behalf of Kenya in the name of Jesus
b.      I pray for salvation and revival to come upon this nation in this season in the name of Jesus.
c.       Blood of Jesus, cry mercy for our nation Kenya in Jesus name.
d.      Blot out every handwriting of wicked ordinances written over this nation in the name of Jesus
e.       Father, set aside every judgment concerning Kenya in the name of Jesus.
f.        Father deliver us from
a.        wicked taskmasters in the nation of Kenya in the name of Jesus
b.       bondages entrenched in the foundation of the nation of Kenya
c.       Wrong leadership in every level and sphere of our nation
d.      The spirit of poverty in the nation of Kenya
g.      Spirit of God; visit every corner and inch of this nation with salvation in Jesus name. (Isaiah 45:8)
h.      Father, enlarge the voices of every pastor, teacher, apostle, prophet and Evangelist preaching the gospel of Christ this month and season of Easter.
i.         I add my voice to the voice of the ministers, and ask for souls as the gospel is being preached across the nation in this season.
j.         Father, I ask for a harvest of souls wherever the gospel is being preached in the nation in this season in the name of Jesus.
k.       Blood of Jesus, go ahead of every man/woman that is preaching your word in Jesus name.
l.         Let mercy cover Kenya in this season in the name of Jesus.
m.    Blood of Jesus, answer every counterfeit demand of the bloodshed by the enemy during this season of Passover in Jesus name.
n.      Blood of Jesus, step into the heavenly court of Nations, plead and petition.(Psalm: 110:5-6, 135:2, Daniel 7:9-10,13-14)
                                               iv.      Mercy for Kenya in this season of Passover in Jesus name.
                                                 v.      Salvation for Kenya in this season of Passover in Jesus name.
                                               vi.      Redemption for Kenya in this season of Passover name.
o.      Let mercy prevail over judgment in this season in Jesus name.
p.      Father, stay your hand of judgment and let not the enemy prevail over Kenya in this season in Jesus name.
q.      Let the angel of death and destruction pass over the land of Kenya in this season of Passover.
r.        I stand in agreement with what the blood of Jesus is speaking over this nation in the name of Jesus (Heb 12:24)
a.      That the plans you have for this nation are good plans, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to bring us a hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
b.      That you will distinguish this nation among other nations in Africa and the World
c.       That is it the set time for the deliverance of the nation
d.      That the star of this nation will continue to shine
e.       That the identity of this nation is changing
s.        Father, we cover Kenya with the blood of Jesus in this season in the name of Jesus.
e.                           Resurrection
a.       Let the resurrection power of Christ resurrect every dead situation in my life in the name of Jesus
b.      Resurrection power of Christ resurrect every dead gift, talent in my life in the name of Jesus

c.       Resurrection power of Jesus Christ resurrect every dead ministry in my life in the name of Jesus 


  1. Such an great information include knowledge about the Prayers i really like this blog.
    Prayer CD

  2. This is such a blessing. ..such powerful knowledge to have at hand!


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