

Gates of your life

What are gates

Gates are:

  • Entrance or exit to a place
  • a means of access or entrance
  • an opening in a castle or city wall or other defensive structure
  • an opening in a wall or fence
  • a movable barrier, usually on hinges, that closes a gap in a fence or wall

In the Old Testament gates were key areas and were critical to the functioning of the city/town. This was where the government of the city sat.

· The elders who were the keepers of the city made decisions concerning the city

  • Decisions were made concerning the buying and selling of land. ( Abraham buying land to bury his wife serah)
  • Marriage decisions were made at the gate( Judah asking for a bride from the keepers of the gate)
  • Guards were posted to keep out unwanted people (Paul being let down by the wall of the gate,)
  • Watchmen were posted at the gate to notify the king and the city of any impending danger

Nothing came in through into the city unless by the gate. When the gate was locked then you could not enter the city. Once the gates were breached then you had conquered the city. A city without any walls or gates could easily be taken

Today in the modern world there are still gates and keepers of the gates. In every nation, continent and land sphere

An understanding of gates and the knowledge of the keepers of the gates will give great insight to any believers.

Every geographical region has a gate and a gatekeeper, every nation and every city has a gate and a gate keeper. Some gates are actual physical areas that are used to access a place. Traditionally Satan who likes to counter everything that God does seeks to control the gates to regions, nations, cities and towns. Ephesians 6:12. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

This is the satanic hierarchy

  • Principalities: controlled by princes, e.g prince of Greece, Prince of persia they control regions
  • Powers: report to the princes; control the nations
  • Rulers of the darkness: control cities
  • Spiritual wickedness in high places.: control towns

Once you understand this hierarchy then you gain an understanding which you can use in your daily prayer life. Paul says that I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I Corinthians 14: 15


Father open the eyes of my understanding, give me a 20/20 vision in the spirit

Let every gate in my life open in the name of Jesus

let the gates of my nation open in the name of jesus


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