
Keys To Successful Prayer: understand your spirituality

One of the ways I find that helps me to keep focused on who God is and who Satan is, is by the way I pray. On point, aggresive, focused, repeated prayers, clothed with the word of God which act as a sword to the enemy. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.......

The bible clearly encourages us that our war is not physical but spiritual, "for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers, rulers, principalities........ ephesians 6: 11

The following keys will aid you in leading a successful prayer life. 

1.  Know you are a spritual being.
This may seem obvious but it is not.  We need to consiously develop our spiritual man and begin to see ourselves more as spiritual beings than physical beings.  Once we perceive our spirituality, then we will begin to act more like spiritual people.  Man is made up of body, soul and spirit.  
  • The body is what we see physically: the home of the soul and the spirit
  • The soul is where the emotions of man reside
  • The spirit is where the life of God or the breath of God resides.
When we get born again the spirit of man indwells in our spirit    
This is the part we give the least of our attention and it is the most important.  It is the part of us that will live forever.  The spirit is a being with facilities like our physical bodies. ephesians 6 says put on the full armour of the lord, the helmet of salvation(head), the breastplate of righteousness(chest), the belt of truth (loins), the preparation of the gospel on our feet, take up the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit(hands), garment of praise(body)isaiah 61:3)

One of the tactics of the devil is to let us view our spiritual man as an obscure and unclear thing which only the pastor and God seem to understand.!!

Your spirit man is like your physical man with ears, eyes, feet, body, hands, mouth, head, etc.
Internalise this one point and your prayer life will take an upward turn for the better.  You will be able to perceive and understand that the devil is also spiritual, and God is spiritual, and thus you must employ the weapons that are spiritual to defeat him( the devil).

Many things that manifest in our physical bodies begun way back in the spirit, but because we pay little or no attention to it, the progression to our physical is then made possible.   Victory must first be attained in the spiritul realm then be made manifest in the physical.  

In every level of our life whether we are seeking for healing for our bodies, solutions to problems that plague us, we must first conquer in the spirit before we see results in the physical     

We could live here on this for a  time, but for now we will leave it at that when you pray begin to visualize yourself as a spiritual person, close your eyes and see what you are saying.

As you put on the full armour of God in your prayer see yourself in your inner eye putting it on your spiritual man.  Your words are life and are being listened to in the spiritual realms, by both God and the devil 
Prayer points  that I pray continuously to activate my spiritual man are:
  •  open my spiritual eyes and ears that I may see, (ephesians 1: 19 open the eyes of my understanding that I may know the hope of my calling)  
  • let every deaf and dumb spirit blocking my eyes and ears, die now in Jesus name
  • I operate a 20/20 vision in my spirit man in the name of Jesus
  • My ear will hear clearly and distinctly the voice of God in the name of Jesus 
  • Arise Oh God! and scatter every evil spirit that is blocking my vision  and my hearing in the name of Jesus  
Next we look at understanding our weapons  


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