
Showing posts with the label repentance


David’s Repentance and the Early Church: Timeless Lessons on Turning Back to God(from Brokenness to wholeness)

God’s Forgiveness and the Power of Repentance: Turning Back to Him for Personal and Community Revival( from Brokenness to Wholeness)

Forgiveness: A Command, Not an Option, The Link Between Repentance and Forgiveness in Our Relationships(From Brokenness to Wholeness)

How Unforgiveness Affects Your Spiritual Life (From Brokenness to Wholeness)

The Parable of the Prodigal Son: A Picture of Repentance and Forgiveness(From Brokenness to Wholeness)

How to Truly Repent: Steps Toward a Changed Life (From Brokenness to Wholeness)

What Is Biblical Repentance and Why We Need It(From Brokenness to Wholeness)

Prayers of repentace


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